My comic “Bottled Up” follows the protagonist, who obviously has some issues going on in their life. The buildup of stress is represented by the little creature in the jar, which grows bigger as the comic progresses. Once the protagonist is given attention and care by their friend, the bottle shatters and the creature inside gets smaller, and they finally have the chance to feel better. This comic is meant to bring attention to mental health, as I feel like sometimes it can go unrecognized. With it being just as important as physical health, I wanted to bring the topic to attention since It doesn’t get the same amount of attention. The title refers to the saying of “bottling up your feelings”, along with the jar the protagonist carries around. While making this comic, I paid attention to dramatic composition and effects. ENG 280 helped me in many ways with creating my comic. For example, I took inspiration from Scott McCloud’s “Understanding Comics”, in which I focused on panel shapes and composition, along with using different techniques like bleeds and balloon effects. To summarize, the goal of “Bottled Up” is to bring awareness to mental health care in a visual storytelling format.
Video Showcase
Comic Book Project