Zoom recording (Banner info 00:36:00 – 00:54:00)
Launching Banner:
Step 1: Connect to VPN (if connecting off-campus)
Step 2: Open a new private window (Safari) or incognito window (Chrome)
Step 3: Enter the url – – and Launch Banner 9.
Restriction Override (SGAROVR) or Enrollment Limit Override (SGAEOVR)
Step 1: Enter the relevant override in the search box and open the form
Step 2: Enter the term (202101 = Fall 2021, 202102 = Winter 2022, 202103 = Spring 2022, 202104 = Summer 2022)
Step 3: Enter the CRN and click the GO button
Step 4: Enter the student’s ID number and click the SAVE button.
Individualized Study Assignment
Step 1: Enter Individualized Study Assignment (SFAINDV) in the search box.
Step 2: Enter the instructor ID and course title*, and then click the SAVE button.
* Make sure to follow the Registrar’s guidelines for course titles: