Lexicon 11/10

  1.  Social Proprioception –  The unconscious perception of movement and spatial orientation arising from stimuli within the body; information from muscles, joints and movement in space.  Proprioception is a big part of what I do in my job, helping kids learn their body awareness and develop skills for coordination.  Social Proprioception is an interesting term; for me I think of the kinesthetic input the fingers do to create a message, but in a broader sense of social, it is the information put out there by an individual that can be a “sense” in itself as to where the person is, what they are doing, what they eat, their mood for the day, etc.  Those coming in contact with the person have a whole lot of information before the physical meeting if following on social media.  This is at least my understanding of this idea.

2.  Dissonance – I first think of this as a musical term when things are not in harmony,  a disagreement or lack of agreement in the sound. Design dissonance can create disappointment, particularly when it occurs in relation to a service. It is something for us to think about when creating designs/logos is to avoid creating a negative interaction that could harm the overall experience of a product or organization.

3.  Feedback Loop – An example of a positive feedback loop would be one where success feeds success.  I can’t help but think of this in terms of my profession where working with children with challenges.  The art of therapy is the “just right challenge” that gives a child success in a task that is typically difficult for them.  This bit of success allows for them to engage longer and try things on their own.  Success builds on success.  I like this idea of the Feedback loop.  In terms of organization’s environments, feedback loops provide information to the organization about the successes or failures of the system.  A manager’s job would be to monitor the feedback loops and take appropriate actions to reinforce a positive feedback loop or correct any problems.

4.  Compression – The idea of image compression is minimizing the size of a graphic file without degrading the quality of the image.  There are several different ways in which image files can be compressed. For Internet use, one common compressed graphic image format is the JPEG format.  The JPEG method is more often used for photographs.  The GIF format is commonly used for line art and other images in which geometric shapes are relatively simple.

5. Rhythm – is the repetition of elements, often with defined intervals between them.   Rhythm can create a sense of movement, and can establish pattern and texture. I feel I am just learning how this all fits in for Graphic design and that it is an important element in the design. I think I have a intuitive sense of rhythm in music, design, space, flow of life.   Personally I strive for balance within the rhythm of my own life of work, home, family, school, church and social communities.