Summer Wrap-up!

Exhibits and Public Programs Summer Wrap-up! Summer is a busy time at the museum, with events and activities for all ages featuring all kinds of science and culture. We had so much fun this summer and hope you did too! Read on for a reminder of all we did. Soromundi...

Lessons We Learned from the Pandemic

by Ann Craig
The COVID-19 pandemic changed nearly every plan we had for 2020. Read on for three silver linings that are lighting our way to a more inclusive future.

Meet the Mammoths

We unveil two life-sized Columbian mammoth sculptures at the northern edge of the Starlin Native Plant Courtyard!

Exhibitions and Public programs: Honoring Indigenous Peoples 2017

Marking fall 2017 — Oregon Archaeology Month, Indigenous Peoples Day, National Fossil Day, and National Native American Heritage Month.

Summer Wrap-up!

Summer Wrap-up!

Exhibits and Public Programs Summer Wrap-up! Summer is a busy time at the museum, with events and activities for all ages featuring all kinds of science and culture. We had so much fun this summer and hope you did too! Read on for a reminder of all we did. Soromundi...

Lessons We Learned from the Pandemic

Lessons We Learned from the Pandemic

by Ann Craig
The COVID-19 pandemic changed nearly every plan we had for 2020. Read on for three silver linings that are lighting our way to a more inclusive future.

Meet the Mammoths

Meet the Mammoths

We unveil two life-sized Columbian mammoth sculptures at the northern edge of the Starlin Native Plant Courtyard!

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