Additonal Resources

Oregon Black Pioneers works to preserve the rich history of Black Pioneers throughout Oregon. OBP was founded in 1993 and incorporated in 1994 to do research and educate Oregonians about African-Americans’ contributions to Oregon’s history.

The Racing to Change Educator’s Guide builds on the exhibit with lesson plans about the civil rights years in Oregon and their relationship to current events. Learn more and request your free guide.
Teaching the Civil Rights Movement from the Oregon Department of Education offers a wealth of materials to support rich instruction about the Civil Rights Movement, both from national and Oregon perspectives.
Talking About Race from the National Museum of African American History & Culture. Talking about race, although hard, is necessary. This website provides tools and guidance to empower your journey and inspire conversation
Learning for Justice: “What is White Privilege, Really?” Recognizing white privilege begins with truly understanding the term itself.
Blacks in Oregon: An essay by Dr. Darrell Millner for the Oregon Encyclopedia.
A Hidden History: In this article from the Summer 2013 issue of Oregon Humanities magazine Skin, Walidah Imarisha charts the stories and struggles of Oregon’s African American communities.
Oregon Experience: Oregon’s Black Pioneers: Long before Oregon became a state, Black people were in the Far West. Some were brought to the region as slaves, but many others arrived as freemen looking for a new life. They opened boarding houses and stores, worked farms and mined for gold. But as more white settlers arrived over the Oregon Trail, the newcomers passed discriminatory laws to keep African Americans out. Oregon Experience examines the largely unknown history of Oregon’s Black pioneers.
Civil Rights and Anti-Black Violence in America and Oregon: A presentation by Dr. Darrell Millner and Dr. Jason Morgan Ward, recorded at the Oregon Historical Society.
Code Switch is a weekly NPR podcast about race and identity.