Thoughts on Sound

This week I had the pleasure to sit down for a drink with writer and podcaster Peter Frick-Wright, who is the producer of Outside Magazine’s new podcast series, The Science of Survival. He’s thought a lot about writing and sound design and how to use both to serve an audio story. Below are a few takeaways from our conversation. […]

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The King of Pranks

Michael “Pickle Boy” Green and his father Charles “Angry Grampa” Green, are the stars of The Angry Grampa Show on YouTube. The premise of the show is that Pickle Boy pranks and records Angry Grampa in real time. Pickle Boy enlists family members and friends to make the pranks seem believable, and Angry Grampa falls […]

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Never Give Up

  Chasing Ice, a 2012 NatGeo documentary by Jeff Orlowski and James Balog, about the melting glacier and ice at Arctic due to climate change, in Arctic, where the filmmakers witnessed “the biggest story in human history” and were able to spend many years capturing the changing glaciers. The way they shoot this documentary is […]

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Northwest Trees

This student documentary was made by a member of Cleveland High School’s graduating class of 2015, during and after his senior year. The school has for the past few years offered a multimedia production class, and it was through this that Ben Grayzel acquired the skills and equipment necessary to make the film. The filmmaker […]

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NYTVR: What Can We Learn?

A few months ago I ordered myself a Google Cardboard VR visor and started checking out some of the new content being produced for that medium. I like new gadgets as much as anybody, but I came at this with some skepticism. As a filmmaker, I relish composition and framing as storytelling techniques, and editing is my best […]

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Jellybeans made me feel something

This powerful little piece made me cry. (Granted, I cry at almost everything, but still!) It’s definitely the audio (the narrator) that drives this piece, but it’s the absurdity of seeing that many jellybeans that keeps you watching. Think about it, if you had just heard the narrator talking — you’d eventually tune him out […]

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Half-Time is Game-Time

In the past few years, I have realized the actual National Football League championship game is not the highlight of the event. . .it’s the commercials. Super Bowl commercials are hands down some of the most entertaining :30 second-1:00 minute short pieces made throughout the year. Advertising agencies from across the world spend months and millions of dollars coming up […]

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“A Seat At The Table”

A Seat At The Table from Public Record on Vimeo. “A Seat At The Table” is a short documentary piece which produced by New York Times Brand Studio. The film crew use split-screen style and draw a sweet family dinner picture (00:00-00:38). The topic of the story is close to each other’s life. We all […]

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