World of Tomorrow

I’ve been watching more animated shorts lately (Thanks Angela!) and I stumbled across this new 16-minute piece on Netflix the other day. It’s called “The World of Tomorrow” and it was written, directed, animated and edited by Don Hertzfeldt. (He also created this hilarious (IMO) collection of “rejected ads,” check it out!) Most of the […]

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Jellybeans made me feel something

This powerful little piece made me cry. (Granted, I cry at almost everything, but still!) It’s definitely the audio (the narrator) that drives this piece, but it’s the absurdity of seeing that many jellybeans that keeps you watching. Think about it, if you had just heard the narrator talking — you’d eventually tune him out […]

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A chat with Jarratt Taylor

This is Jarratt. He’s an Agora Center alum (MMJ Cohort #2) who graduated earlier this year, he also shot the Story Without Words piece that’s on our class site (The one about the boy scouts making the fire). This past summer, he made videos for the San Francisco Chronicle. Today, he shoots live performances for Skype Live […]

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No “Talking Heads” Allowed

I love interview-driven pieces, but I despise “Talking Head” footage. The two generally co-exist in video stories, but in this beautiful piece by Bianca Giaever (Check out her stuff—she’s brilliant!) she couldn’t use Talking Head footage at all. Amazing, right? It’s entirely possible that someone with a great story to tell could also be camera shy. […]

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