Northwest Trees

This student documentary was made by a member of Cleveland High School’s graduating class of 2015, during and after his senior year. The school has for the past few years offered a multimedia production class, and it was through this that Ben Grayzel acquired the skills and equipment necessary to make the film. The filmmaker […]

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Commuting for Stories

This video has been around a while, but I think it’s very relevant to our discussion of Telling True Stories. In it, David Byrne (of Talking Heads fame) talks to the New York Times about his appreciation for biking, and his disdain for driving. He first articulated these feelings in his non-fiction book Bicycle Diaries, […]

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Tom Tykwer’s Bag of Tricks

Based in Berlin, Run Lola Run is fragmented. Each of its three sections, or “runs,” begins the same way, with the same characters working to solve the same problem: Lola must come up with enough money to pay off a crook who aims to kill Manni. However, the methods and attitudes of the characters differ, […]

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Amphibious Camerawork

Today I’m thinking about the gimbal. Not only how much I enjoyed using it last week, but also how it has contributed to some of my favorite visual works. We’ve already mentioned in class this impressive scene from the first season of True Detective: And we’ve mentioned this one from Goodfellas: Both of […]

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Individualized Storytelling

Since last week I’ve been thinking about the opening scene of that interview with Slomo. What impresses me most is that the way in which Slomo’s story is presented seems to be tailor-made (i.e. Slomo is filmed in slow motion, and often from the point of view of someone skating close behind him). That’s so effective […]

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