Redrum! Redrum! Redrum!

Yes, another horror selection. This time, it’s a classic! Spike Lee’s Malcolm X is my favorite film hands down, however, Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining is a close runner-up. The movie The Shining is by far one of the most visually appealing movies in my scary movie repertoire. Unlike the Halloween movies I wait to see in October, The Shining is a movie I watch year around. There are SO many shots/scenes to choose from like the scene where crazy pants Jack (Jack Nicholson) loses his manure while in a bar drinking liquid thunder, the bright bathroom scene from hell, the maze, Jack on the stairs stalking Wendy (Shelley Duvall), etc. However, the scene that takes the cake is the moment when Danny (the son) in on his tricycle riding around the hallways.

The point of view (POV) used in this scene really showcases not only what Danny sees, but his innocence in the whole situation. His POV pulls me into his world, and in a way, invokes a childlike fear in me every time I watch it. At that age, and at that size, the world is a scary place.

Last but not least, the camera tilts to the side when Danny pulls up to the door of the room that is off limits. (1:06-1:21) It’s still his POV, but the camera leans to the side. Is it just me or does every time a camera tilts to the side in any movie, you could almost guess some FUS is about to happen? The steady shot, without cutting, built the intensity, and I find myself on pins and needles knowing that at the end of his ride those weird twin girls are going to show up any second (2:40-3:01). Spooky.

Well played Stanley, well played.

One response

  1. I love this movie! There’s a documentary about it on Netflix, which I highly recommend checking out. It’s called Room 237 and it explores a lot of conspiracy theories regarding symbolism within the movie. (For example, some people think the movie is about Native American genocide. Some people think the movie is about Kubrick’s experience with falsifying the moon landing footage.) Sure, some claims are far-fetched, but a lot are amazingly convincing. Whether Kubrick planned all of them or not, there are unbelievable amounts of Easter eggs in The Shining. Here’s a little sneak peek:

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