A Powerful Little Story

Graham Annable’s The Last Duet on Earth is a simple but powerful story that uses a haunting soundtrack, gory sound effects, well-timed sequences, humor and a surprise ending.

The story is about a pair of musicians who are trying to survive and not be eaten by green monsters that now rule Earth. The musicians love to play music.

The post-apocalyptic setting is effectively established with haunting music, gory sound effects and funny visuals at 0:07 to 1:00. The main characters are introduced and the plot is revealed at 1:01. You root for the heroes are they scramble to run and hide. Will they survive? The story has humor and surprises. The resolution (3:12) is ironic and unexpected.

I appreciated the use of foreground elements from 0:29 to :40 to give depth to the scenes. The cut away used between 0:41 to 0:58 (specifically at 0:50) as a transition to another scene was effective. The animator uses a wide variety of shots–wide, overhead, medium and close-ups–and transitions quickly between them, from 1:24 to 2:42, to build tension.

One of the main takeaways for me was when I realized how long some of the key scenes were held still. For example, the scenes of the musicians being discovered between 1:01 and 1:10 and the end reveal between 3:09 and 3:12. Each scene was held for 2 seconds–and even one scene (when the musicians are first discovered) as long as 4 seconds. A scene can be made infinitely more powerful and meaningful simply by holding onto a shot just a second or two longer.


One response

  1. This video reminded me so much of the Pied Piper of Hamelin!
    Is that where the artist found his muse from?

    I really understood your remarks on how ironic and at some points the clips were humorous. I think what I appreciated the most in this video was the fact that the music and sound effects fit with each scene! When they were discovered the music stopped, when the ran away the music switched to much more intense one. In a way, you can really understand what’s happening without really looking.

    Do you know what kind of software is used to create such animations? Are you perhaps doing the same kind of animation idea with your winter project?

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