Style 101

Style makes us easily recognizable. Think about it. When watching a Tim Burton film, you know it’s a Tim Burton film from the music and the general mood of the film. From the first major action sequence, you can tell if it were directed by Michael Bay. Bay’s work is fast paced, and detailed all at the same time. Or take Spike Lee, for instance. He is a director/producer/writer who is known for showcasing race relations in a large majority of his “Joints”, but is really famous for the “Dolly Shot”.


Spike utilizes the dolly shot in a majority of his projects, which forms this string of consistency. When I watch a Spike Lee Joint, I know what I am going to get. He will talk about race, stereotypes, and all things taboo, but I am forever searching for that dolly shot. How his dolly shot is achieved is by placing the camera on a tripod, then the tripod is placed on a moving surface, and the actor is placed on the moving surface. The camera and the actor move together, which lends to the floating effect. It’s almost like a game to try to spot it. If you showcased your work without a title or introduction, would people know it was yours?

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