Photo Package

Bree’s Way Gift Shop

Nov. 4 2022

A photo package featuring employees at Bree’s Way Gift shop and how they carry their spiritual practices into the business’s operation. 

Bree’s Way Gift Shop is a metaphysical shop located on 1231 Alder St, Eugene, OR.  All the items for sale online and in person are by fair trade or made locally. You can sometimes find items sold by vendors at the Saturday market.


Sales associate Lexie Quirk welcoming customers. While upfront, Quirk uses her knowledge on crystals to assist customers and carries out purchases.

Royan lighting an incense to use for crystal cleansing. This practice is believed to restore the crystals to their full healing potential.

Pictured above are rose quartz aura stones — believed to convert doubt into love. receive their iridescence while forming if exposed to titanium.

Royan waves incense over the labradorite rings ensuring that each crystal contacts the smoke.