About Me:


Hi! I am Maria, a recent graduate from the University of Oregon. In June 2020 I received my Masters of Science in Earth Science working with Dr. Leif Karlstrom. My thesis focuses on modelling fluid dynamics of conduit-crack coupled systems in which we model unsteady wave motion resulting from perturbations to the fluid surface. These perturbations produce resonant modes that encode information on the internal resonating structure. We apply this model to understanding the geometry of englacial transport networks and a publication for this work is currently in review. We will also be presenting this work in a virtual poster session at the American Geophysical Union Fall meeting in December.

Looking Forward:

Through my academic career I have developed interests in fluid mechanics, data management and analysis, and space science. I am currently seeking a career in the aerospace industry or as a data scientists where I can further develop my skills in a professional setting.



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