Undergraduate Courses

The class schedule is subject to change at any time. Such changes are not always reflected immediately on this page. Please check classes.uoregon.edu for the accurate, live schedule for the term.
All courses are described in the University of Oregon Catalog.


101 Fnd Alg & Mth Modeling
105Z Math in Society
106 University Math II
107 University Math III
111Z PreCalc I: Functions
112Z PreCalc II: Trigonomet
201 Algebra Math Lab
202 Geometry Math Lab
203 Analysis/Number Theory Math Lab
204 Probability/Stats Math Lab
205 Foundations Math Lab
206 Combinatorics Math Lab
211 Fund Element Math I
212 Fund Element Math II
213 Fund Element Math III
231 Elem Discrete Math I
232 Elem Discrete Math II
241 Calc Bus & Soc Sci I
242 Calc Bus & Soc Sci II
243Z Elem Statistics I
246 Calc for Biol Sci I
247 Calc for Biol Sci II
251 Calculus I
252 Calculus II
253 Calculus III
256 Intro Differ Equations
281 Several-Variab Calc I
282 Several-Variab Calc II
307 Introduction to Proofs
316 Fundamentals of Analysis I
317 Fundamentals of Analysis II
341 Elementary Linear Algebra I
342 Elementary Linear Algebra II
343 Statistical Models/Methods
345M Probability/Statistics for Data Science
347 Fundamentals of Number Theory I
348 Fundamentals of Number Theory II
351 Elementary Numerical Analysis I
352 Elementary Numerical Analysis II
391 Fundamentals of Abstract Algebra I
392 Fundamentals of Abstract Algebra II
394 Geometries from an Adv Viewpoint I
395 Geometries from an Adv Viewpoint II  
397 History Applications of Calculus
410 Dynamical Systems and Control
411 Contour Integration
413 Metric Spaces and Topology
414 Functions and Series  
421M PDE: Fourier Analysis I
422M PDE: Fourier Analysis II
425 Statistical Methods I
432 Topics in Topology
433 Curves and Surfaces
441 Abstract Linear Algebra
444 Groups and Rings I
445 Groups and Rings II
446 Galois Theory
456 Networks and Combinatorics
458 Introduction to Cryptography
461 Probability Theory
462 Methods of Statistics
463 Regression and Variance
467 Stochastic Processes