Speaker: Radu Dascaliuc Date: Monday 10/5/15 Place: 4PM in Deady 208 I will talk about a probabilistic cascade structure that can be naturally associated with certain partial differential equations and how it can be used to study well-posedness questions. In the context of the still unsolved uniqueness problem for the 3D Navier-Stokes equations, our aim […]
Category Archives: Uncategorized
PDE, stochastic cascades, explosions, and the issue of symmetry breaking
The Kahler-Ricci flow and its singularities
Speaker: Valentino Tosatti Date: Monday 9/28/15 Place: 4PM in Deady 208 Abstract: I will give an introduction to the study of Ricci flow on compact Kahler manifolds, and explain how its behavior reflects the structure of the complex manifold. I will then describe a result (joint with T.Collins) which gives a geometric description of the […]
Extremal Fourier analysis and some consequences of the Riemann hypothesis
Speaker: Emanuel Carneiro Abstract: In this talk I will show how some extremal problems in Fourier analysis come into play when bounding some objects related to the Riemann zeta-function, under the assumption of the Riemann hypothesis. Most of the talk should be accessible to graduate students with a good knowledge of real and complex analysis.
An introduction to conformal field theory
Speaker: André Henriques Abstract: I’ll give an overview of the definition of a chiral conformal field theory, talk about some examples, and discuss their representation theory.
From the applicable to the abstruse: an example in representation theory
Speaker: Jerry Folland, University of Washington Abstract: The operations of time shift (f(t)→ f(t+1)) and frequency shift (f(t)→ exp(2πiωt)f(t)) are fundamental ingredients of applied Fourier analysis, and the group of operators on L²(R) that they generate gives a unitary representation of the so-called discrete Heisenberg group. How does this representation decompose into irreducible representations? […]
On the meteor process
Speaker: Krzysztof Burdzy Abstract: The meteor process is a model of mass redistribution on a graph. I will present results on existence of the process and existence, uniqueness and properties of the stationary distribution. I will also discuss special questions arising in the case when the graph is a cycle or the set of integers.
The Lie superalgebra P(n) and Brauer algebras with signs
Speaker: Vera Serganova, UC Berkeley. Abstract: The “strange” Lie superalgebra P(n) is the algebra of endomorphisms of an (n|n)-dimensional vector space V equipped with a non-degenerate odd symmetric form. Representations of P(n) in tensor powers of V are not completely reducible. The centralizer of the P(n)-action in the k-th tensor power of V is given by a certain analogue […]
On the topology and future stability of the universe
Speaker: Hans Ringstrom Abstract: The current standard model of the universe is spatially homogeneous, isotropic and spatially flat. Furthermore, the matter content is described by two perfect fluids (dust and radiation) and there is a positive cosmological constant. Such a model can be well approximated by a solution to the Einstein-Vlasov equations with a positive cosmological constant. As a consequence, it […]
Counting finite dimensional irreducible representations over quantizations of symplectic resolutions
Speaker: Ivan Loseu Abstract: A basic problem in Representation theory is, given an algebraic object such as a group, an associative algebra or a Lie algebra, to study its finite dimensional irreducible representations. The first question, perhaps, is how many there are. In my talk I will address this question for associative algebras that are quantizations of algebraic […]
The Dynamical Mordell-Lang Problem
Date: Oct 21, 2013 Speaker: Clayton Petsche, OSU Abstract: The Dynamical Mordell-Lang Problem combines dynamical systems, algebraic geometry, and number theory in interesting and exciting new ways. One starts in the simple setting of a map from a algebraic variety to itself; for example, one might consider a polynomial function from Euclidean n-space to Euclidean n-space. […]