For fun this week, I’ll use Jupyter notebooks inside Sage, which you create like this:
To turn on pretty output (typesetting), type %display typeset
As far as I know, Sage does not have a built-in method to find a “least-squares solution” to a system of linear equations. The description of a least squares solution to Ax=b as a solution to ATAx=ATb is easy to work with in Sage. For example, to find a least-squares solution to the system
x1 + x2 = 3
2x1 + 3x2 = 1
x1 – x2 = 5
we can type:
A = matrix([[1, 1],[2,3],[1,-1]]); A
B = A.transpose(); B
v = vector([3,1,5]); v
or, more succinctly,
A = matrix([[1, 1],[2,3],[1,-1]])
We could also write a function that finds least-squares solutions for us:
def least_squares(A,v): return (A.transpose()*A).solve_right(A.transpose()*v)
(Again, indentation is important: this is Python.) Then we can call it with the matrix and vector of your choice:
B = matrix([[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]])
v = vector([7,5,9])
(There is also built-in code in Sage and numpy for fitting curves to data.)