
This page will be for your courses, reflections, and activities related to professional development. For your practicum and internship courses, you can create subpages that are opportunities for you to post relevant information and documentation about what your development, growth, and activities in the courses as well professional activities. This is where you actively reflect on how you are applying what you learn in the classroom to practice, and document how your thinking and approach changes or shifts as a result of your reflections and experiences. You’ll want to digitally document your progress.

How you “tag” and “categorize” your reflections and posts will allow you to cross-reference examples of your learning and reflections. For example, a practicum project which you document and reflect on for a particular practicum course, may result in multiple layers of insights about applying theory to practice, your professional preparation, research ideas, etc. Tagging allows you to aggregate these multiple layers into a single place to show your development over time. Your tags will also form a “tag cloud” that reflect the ways in which you are currently constructing meaning, and linking your thinking.

On this page of your learning portfolio, you will describe and link to your professional eportfolio (dreamweaver site) that you develop during Spring term of your first year. Your professional eportfolio is your “demonstration” or “capstone” professional eportfolio that will represents your best work, in your professional and academic activities. The professional eportfolio is your showcase, and is a tool for both your academic development, as well as an excellent tool to market your skills and experiences to potential employers, and supervisors.

During Winter and Spring terms of your first year, you will plan and design your professional eportfolio. In association with Internship I, you will articulate your professional goals relative to the current field, develop your professional statement, align your work learning goals for your internship with your current skills and the skills you want to develop during your internship in order to work toward your goals, and develop your digital documentation plan. During your Multimedia course, you’ll design your professional eportfolio, which will include the following information

  • About – this will include your professional statement, sometimes students include pictures, and some minor biographical information
  • Resume
  • Research
  • Internship
  • Design Samples
  • Professional Development
  • To view examples of student eportfolios prior to 2009, click ePortfolios at UO

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