Group Formed! We decided that we knew that we wanted to focus on some sort of science experiment for our second subject that would tie in with data collection and sorting. We discussed what kind of science experiment we wanted to do. Lexi thought of a density experiment so we decided this would be a good idea and fun lesson.
Team name formed! “The Mad Scientists”.
We also created a team Gmail and scratch account for project use.
Meeting with Sage Hatch (and a few minutes with Dane). Discussed length of lesson unit (5 one hour lessons). We also discussed how we would incorporate a second subject into computer science. While talking to Sage, we decided that we would need to work on our pitch to get dignitaries excited. This would be the biggest thing to get done, along with creating the website, because those are the things with the soonest due dates. We also determined that division of labor was important as well as making a collaborative effort for most of the project.
Division of lesson plans has been created. Abby will be writing the first lesson, an introduction to scratch. Ady will then follow on the next day, of sharing what a hypothesis includes, and how to write your own. Aaliyah will write the next lesson that shares what their experiment will focus on. Cory will write the lesson that focuses on an introduction to experiment day and a little bit of scratch to showcase the hypothesis. Lexi will finish the week with the actual experiment and sorting the data that follows. We have opened the website up, and added everyone as an administrator so that we can all add to it. We have also started writing our pitch. As of right now, it is too short, so we will be going in during the week to edit it and include more details. We decided that our goal for the next meeting (Wednesday 5/17) will be to have all started on the lesson plans. We are also discussing on meeting one other time before Monday. This would be just a shorter meet up to show our individual progress and see how things are coming together.
Rough draft of lesson plans has been finished by the group. Our main focus of this meeting is to work on giving our website some more “pizzazz”. Ady worked on adding the bi-weekly updates to the page, Lexi worked on adding the completed lesson plans to the website, Cory worked on a rubric for the experience assessment. For the next meeting, we hope to take the video, headshots, our member intros, write our mission statement. The meeting after that we will be focused on making our artifacts and coming up with objects that we will decide if it’ll sink or float.
Our biggest goal for today is to write the mission statement and post it onto our website. We know that we have a class on Wednesday to go over the requirements for the video, so we want to wait until after that class to film that. We decided that we will film the video and take headshots on Wednesday, May 31st. To film the video, we also know that we will need to each have our individual artifacts done so that they can be shown in the video. We also finished uploading our pitch to the homepage and dedicated a space for where we will insert the video when it’s completed.
We split up our artifacts and decided on what we each would be doing for our artifacts. Afterwards, we planned on where we would be getting our items and when we planned on finishing it to get our group video done. We went to the class meeting to learn more about what our video should include.
During our meeting time we went over the video aspect, because that is the most important thing that still needs to be completed. We also decided that we would take our headshots during the session. One problem is that we are having a hard time deciding how to fit everything in under a minute. We decided that it might be easier if we do some things stacked during the video, like a screen recording while presenting some information. We also worked on posting the Scratch (our artifacts) on the website. The ones that aren’t done yet are to be posted by June 6th.
Today we finalized and posted our team video. We also added our finishing touches to our website which included the last scratch program and the slides that will go with each lesson. The last thing we need to do to prepare for Wednesday is making sure our poster board and everything is ready to go. We also decided that we would try to coordinate our outfits, so look out for that!