Learning Objectives


Overall Learning Objective: Students will be able to write their own hypothesis and design and conduct an experiment to show their understanding of density while utilizing computer science skills.

Grading Rubric:

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Lesson 1 Learning Objectives:

  • Students will have an understanding of what Scratch is and how to use it
  • Students will be comfortable working with scratch and have a deep understanding of it’s function
  • Students will feel comfortable creating their own scratch game


Lesson 2 Learning Objectives:

  • Students will have an understanding of what a hypothesis is overall
  • Students will be able to use “if… then… because..” statements
  • Students will be able to look at data and find the independent vs dependent variables. 
  • Students will be able to form hypotheses


Lesson 3 Learning Objectives:

  • Students will have a basic understanding of what density is
  • Students will learn how density relates to an item sinking or floating
  • Students will be able to form a hypothesis about what items they think will sink vs. float


Lesson 4 Learning Objectives:

  • Students will be able to revise original hypotheses with peers in order to create a solid prediction for the following experiment
  • Students will be able to visually show their hypotheses through the Scratch program where they will demonstrate their initial understanding of different objects’ density. 
  • Students will be able to create an experiment that visually demonstrates the relationship of certain objects to their buoyancy in relation to their density.


Lesson 5 Learning Objectives: 

  • Students will be able to conduct an experiment that follows the hypothesis and scratch program they made
  • Students will be able to analyze experimental results
  • Students will be able to explain what they learned while conducting this experiment