Gina Rosario Diaz, Class of 2017, ENR

I work as the Natural Resources, Agriculture and Climate Change Specialist at the Dominican Republic Delegation of the Inter-American Institute of Cooperation for Agriculture (IICA), a specialized agency of the Inter-American System for the promotion of agriculture and rural well-being. After graduating from the University of Oregon School of Law LL.M. Program, I did a summer internship at Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide (ELAW) in Eugene, Oregon, where I gained vast knowledge in researching and legal writing on International Environmental Law.

Personal Update: Two months ago, I started my dream job in the Dominican Republic, and I am getting married to the love of my life in 2018.

Do you have any advice for current students in the LL.M. program? The UO LL.M. program is a life-changing experience! Do your readings and assignments, participate in extracurricular and outdoor activities and enjoy the mix of cultures and the breathtaking landscapes Oregon and UO have to offer!

5-year plan: I hope to continue to work on issues concerning climate change, natural resources and international relations, especially in rural communities. My goal is to keep climbing and developing professionally at my current institution and on the issues in which I currently work.

Comments: The University of Oregon School of Law is the best place to pursue an LL.M. degree if you are an international student. The academia, the environment and the people (especially the LL.M. staff) is the perfect combination to succeed in your studies. Go Ducks!

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