What is your position at UO?
I am Associate Professor of Japanese Linguistics in East Asian Languages and Literatures (EALL). But my research and teaching cover other languages, including Korean and English.
How are you connected to LTS and LTS students?
My department and LTS often share students in various ways. We have many concurrent degree students who are pursuing both Linguistic and EALL degrees. I also send my students to take LTS courses, and LTS students take my courses. Also one of LTS graduates, Yukari Furikado-Koranda, is now a colleague of mine in my department! It’s wonderful to work with her. You can see more about the collaboration between EALL and LTS here.
What is a current research project you are working on?
I am working on a project that looks at characteristics and constraints of speech learning, and another that looks at how people use voice to sound polite.
What do you enjoy most about working with graduate students?
I really enjoy working with grad students discussing and designing interesting and innovative research methods to address their research questions.