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“Students are motivated to learn through experience, and with ePals I’ve introduced an experience beyond the classroom.” M. Orlando, Italy

ePals provides the ability to connect various classrooms with students and around the world through collaborative projects. A rating from edtechteacher.org gave ePals a 4 on usefulness (1-5 rating), and said ease was medium, which was directly comparable to the other programs reviewed on this blog!

The ePals service is free for teachers, students and parents who all have access to the possibilities ePals has to offer. To begin you sign up, and after you are able to explore and find classrooms across the globe. You can narrow your search with language, class age, regions, and topics. Along with this you can also have your choice of how you want your class to collaborate with one another, either by email exchange, video chat, or project workspace – where they work together on an online project.

Some available projects and classrooms look a little something like this. There are thousands available and it would be easy for a teacher to find a perfect fit!

Screen Shot 2015-05-03 at 1.35.44 PM Screen Shot 2015-05-03 at 1.36.48 PM Screen Shot 2015-05-03 at 1.37.12 PM Screen Shot 2015-05-03 at 1.37.42 PMAfter you find a classroom that fits the criteria you want to meet in your own classroom, ePals provides the contact info in order to get your project started!

 Along with finding classrooms, ePals also allows you to explore projects that your classroom can partake in! Just like you are able to filter through various classrooms, you are also able to do the same with different projects. They even have featured projects that many international classrooms are participating in. One of my favorites was this.

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