•Consider culturally based versus universally based theories of art.
•Examine the political, regional, economic, technological, religious, ethnic, gender,
•and generational influences that shape conceptions of art.
•Consider gender, race, and ethnicity in relation to representation in art.
•Examine contemporary and historical cross-cultural examples of art.
Table of Contents
Artifact I: Life Values Assessment
Artifact IV: Personal Adornment
Artifact VI: Creativity Spirituality
The purpose of this electronic portfolio is a compilation of my work that I have completed during this Spring term, which includes my thoughts, believes and perceptions about Art and Huamn values. In terms of each artifact, it consists of response and reflection about each topic of ART and it also help me to reflect and reshape my previous views about the definition of ART.
Primary Audience:
The audience of this portfolio consists of our professor, Scott Huette, and other students who participated in this course especially for those within my discussion group.