Response to “How to Budget Without Actually Sticking to a Budget”

         After reading Matt Becker’s blog: How to Budget Without Actually Sticking to a Budget, I realized I have many thoughts want to say. First, I never have a certain budget with my spending, and often make my monthly spending excessively which also sometime make my parents angry with me. Also, I tried to control my unnecessary spending in a traditional way, which waste me much time to track my spending, finally, it fails. Then, from Matt’s writing, I felt that it is not very difficult to deal with my budget. He suggests four steps which includes automate savings; regularly save for irregular expenses; create rock-solid habits and track your spending and re-evaluate from time to time. Besides, I found many people applied them into their lives and be succeed to manage their budget from the comments below the article.

            After reviewing this article again, I found Matt’s points are just like what I study in my management class last week. Individuals are the managers of their life, they need manage change and manage resources in their life. As a good manager, he or she need plan their schedule at first, as Matt’s words, people need plan to create a rock-solid habits, which is not spreadsheets or fancy budgeting apps, are the real key to keeping their spending in line. Next, people need to organize their schedules like to category their spending and named for its specific purpose, and they do not need dedicate to save money, and just do what they usually do and record this things on their schedules which is convenient to track at the end of the month. Afterwards, as our own manager, each person should have their own statements for their monthly budgets. This kind of thing can make our life stay in a regular way with irregular spending. Last but not least, we need learn how to control and form a perfect valid approach that can works for us without causing undue stress we are good to go. Because there is not a certain way to satisfy everyone’s needs. We need to adapt the change and re-evaluate our ways and then form our own the most efficient way. Furthermore, as a manager of our own life, we need to learn how to plan, organize, coordinate and control our budget and time. I believe we will notice how our life becomes better if we insist to change a little thing for a long period.