Art, Games, and Tech Discussion

From this TED talk by Jane McGonigal, She explained why people become addicted to games and how the strategy games gives people a better problem solving skill which could benefit to our current world problems. Also, I felt it is interesting about her game like World without oil every week for 3 hours, from this game we can learn and be motivated to solve problem in the reality when this kind of situation happen. In video games, McGonigal said that “gamers are super-powerful hopeful individuals”, they are so determined to win and work hard to achieve their goals with their strategy and survival, and then they will be given positive rewards when they are succeeding. This is may be true that gamers can cultivate some problem solving skills from the video game, but I believe that happens when gamers are exposed to an unrealistic and virtual world. What will happen when an issue is presented in the real world for gamers? Do you think they can come out of the virtual world and make real life contribution to the real world?

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