Pick up some food nearby and join LGBT+ in STEM for a socially-distanced social hour Friday, October 2nd, 5:30-7pm at Washburne Park! Our social events are a great way to meet other queer-identifying graduate students, post-docs, faculty, and staff at UO. Allies are also welcome at this first event of the new academic year.
Please make sure to bring your face covering and to adhere to social distancing guidelines. We will be able to spread out on the grass at Washburne Park. If the weather should change, requiring this event to either be postponed or canceled, we will email our mailing list and the STEM departments at UO.
The following takeout options are located at 19th & Agate and will be open during the social hour timeframe:
Prince Puckler’s Ice Cream
Sweet Life Petite bakery
Oolong Bar (closes at 6pm)
Hey Neighbor Pizza House
Beppe & Gianni’s Trattoria
Every Day Kine Grindz from Hawaii food truck (opens at 6pm)
McMenamins East 19th Street Cafe
Agate Alley Bistro