AB p10 transcription


arrogant manner, “I want ice water, not this stuff; get me a glass of ice-water!”

His tone of voice just hit me wrong, and the steward had already told me not to bother with individual demands of water, as we were too rushed, so I answered, “I’m sorry, SIR, but you aren’t a priviledged character around here, and everyone else is satisfied with plain water or get the ice water from the cooler themselves.”

He jumped to his feed and stated, “You can’t talk to me like that; you had better get me the water!” He really got under my skin then, and I wouldn’t have gotten another him another glass of water if I had to stand a court martial, and I told him, “That, even if I was an elisted man, I was just as good as he and no servent.”

He became very red in the face and called the naval officer in charge over and said, “This man refused to get me a glass of ice water and has been offensive.” The naval officer asked me if I had anything to say, and I told him exactly what had happened and what I had said. The then told the jerk not to bother his men and that he would have done the same thing if he was in my place. I swelled up like a pouter pigeon at this complete squelching of JUNIOR, who sat meekly down in his place and didn’t utter another word.

Then, twice last night, I was told to leave, and, both times the chief steward of position permission kept me safely in my seat, despite the fact that those were officers standing all around me, as there wasn’t sufficient seats to go around. I left the Wardroom about eleven-thirty and was proceeding in the hall way to go on deck, so that I could return to our my pig sty, where the password is Oink Oink, when I encountered a fracas between an officer and enlisted men, and the officer

[Continue to the digital transcription of page 11, if desired.]