Category Archives: Events

Portland Metro Leadership School


Saturday, April 25, 2020
at 8:30 am, Classes 9:00 am-4:00 pm

Sheet Metal Worker’s Union Building  • 2379 NE 178th Ave

Registration (registration buttons below)
Early-bird: $80 (ends on Mar 27)
Regular rate: $100 (starting Mar 28)
Lunch provided 


  • Healthcare Bargaining and Membership Engagement Innovation  Instructors: Sherman Henry, LERC; Jaimie Sorenson, Kaiser Permanente; Tori Geter, UA Local 290.
    Traditionally, the subjects of the negotiation for healthcare include plan design, wellness, dental, and other benefits. However, collective bargaining for healthcare can also become an organizing strategy for the union’s membership — addressing member’s wellbeing campaigns. This class will address the fundamentals of healthcare bargaining and evolving ways unions can use healthcare bargaining for membership engagement and organizing. (This class is designed for negotiators, union leaders, and staff who are interested in healthcare bargaining and membership engagement issues).
  • Contract Campaigns That Win
    Instructors: Mark Brenner, LERC; Will Layng, Jobs with Justice
    What you can win at the bargaining table depends on what you do away from it—on the job and in the communities. This workshop will walk panelists step-by-step through the process of planning an effective contract campaign. Drawing on several recent examples, we’ll review how to get members involved, how to turn up the heat on management, how to connect worksite action to the table, and how to find allies beyond your own union.  This workshop will be conducted in both Spanish and English, with simultaneous interpretation.
  • Campañas de Contratos que Ganan
    Instructores: Mark Brenner, LERC, y Will Layng, Trabajos con Justicia
    Lo que puede ganar en la mesa de negociaciones depende de lo que haga fuera de las negociaciones–en el trabajo y en sus comunidades. Esta taller le guiará paso a paso en el proceso de planear una campaña de contrato exitosa. Usando varios ejemplos recientes, revisaremos como involucrarse a sus miembros, como aumentar la presión con los jefes, como conectar las acciones en el trabajo a las negociaciones a en la mesa, y como identificar aliados en la comunidad. Este taller se llevará a cabo en español y inglés, con interpretación simultánea. 
  • Labor and Politics
    Instructors: Gordon Lafer, LERC; Kevin Sullivan, Oregon Labor Candidate School
    This class will examine the most important political issues facing Oregon workers.  We will look at how the political system really works, who are the main forces behind attacks on working families, how union members can gain more influence in the political process, and how union members can get elected to public office.  No previous knowledge or experience is necessary—this class is designed to enable all union members and activists to participate effectively in the political process.

LERC Escuela de Liderazgo de Portland Metro

Sábado, 25 de Abril  Registrarse a las 8:30, Clases 9:00-4:00
Sindicato de Trabajadores Metalúrgicos
2379 NE 178th Ave, Portland
Va a haber almuerzo provisto


  • Negociación de Los Beneficios Del Plan Médico
  • Campañas de Contratos
    Este taller se llevará a cabo en español y inglés, con interpretación simultánea.
  • Labor y La Política