The Labor Education and Research Center has offices in Eugene and Portland. Our faculty have backgrounds in adult education, political science, labor and public policy, history, and community organizing. We offer a wide range of non-credit workshops and customized trainings in areas such as representation skills, effective communication, building inclusive organizations, labor history, political economy, and the law.
Our faculty conduct applied research and consult in areas such as labor sector analysis, curriculum development, labor standards and employment policy, race and gender equity in the workplace, and worker health and safety. We also provide strategic planning, leadership development, and facilitation for labor unions and worker-oriented organizations. University of Oregon students can participate in internship opportunities, individualized studies and for-credit courses on labor and employment topics under the direction of our faculty.
For forty years, the Labor Education and Research Center has been committed to ensuring that workers have a strong voice in shaping the programs and policies that affect their lives. We welcome your support and encourage you to make a tax-deductible contribution to one of our two University of Oregon Foundation Funds.
2017 marked our 40th year, and your contribution goes to support our many programs that create a strong and vital labor movement. If you support LERC’s goals of offering top-quality training programs, protecting workers rights and improving the lives of working people in Oregon, please make a gift to our SUSTAINING LERC Fund.
LERC’s Strategic Training and Action
Research (STAR) Fund supports short-term, high impact projects that have included:
- A green jobs working group
- A young workers organizing initiative
- Community/labor collaborations on topics such as economic equity and creating a more diverse and inclusive labor movement
- Presentations by forward thinking labor activists including Saket Soni, William Lucy, Michael Honey, and Kris Rondeau.
You can contribute online to the Labor Education and Research Center STAR Fund
If you make an online contribution, please also email us at to let us know about your gift. Contributions for these funds can also be mailed to LERC. Please make checks payable to “UO Foundation—LERC”
Indicate whether you are contributing to the STAR FUND or the SUSTAINING FUND.
Mail your check to:
Labor Education & Research Center
1289 University of Oregon
Eugene, Oregon 97403
If you would like to learn about gifts of appreciated securities, legacy giving (bequests, trusts and annuities), and other ways you can be a long-term supporter please go to
You can also feel free to contact Jennifer Smith, at LERC at (541) 346-5054 with any questions you might have.