The Labor Education and Research Center’s areas of focus seek to address major issues related to employment, economic equity, diversity and inclusion and public policy. Our faculty and staff collaborate with other researchers, community and civic organizations, and policy makers on these projects, which often include both research and educational components.
- Racial Justice
- Work and Education during COVID
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Education and Public Policy (Gordon’s, Lola’s Work)
- Service Economy (Lina’s work)
- Fostering a Skilled and Inclusive Workers Movement
The Labor Education and Research Center has a long history of providing skills-training for workers to help them participate more effectively in their organizations. We also work with both rank-and-file members and union leadership on strategic planning and leadership development. Increasingly, we partner with community organizations who share the goal of supporting workers to be engaged citizens in their workplaces and the community. More…
- Equity In the Economy
This Initiative was launched by faculty member Raahi Reddy in 2015 and promotes research, collaboration, and public policies focused on creating more equitable working conditions for women and low wage workers in Oregon. More…
- Worker and Community Health
LERC has long been involved with worker health and safety projects. Many of these projects have focused on three high-risk groups: building tradespersons, healthcare workers, and women. Our projects include research, interventions, and trainings to reduce the incidence of injuries and to highlight best practices in worker safety. More…