Lexicon Post #6 – November 10, 2016

  1. Social Proprioception – “Awareness of the spatial positioning of a group in order to organize/coordinate themselves.”  This definition was found through the following website: http://www.igi-global.com/dictionary/social-proprioception/50155
  2. Dissonance – in music this term is used when two notes are close together, or cause a sort of clashing sound that makes you feel uncomfortable.  It is the opposite of consonance, yet it still works.  I guess this could be used in design when something is outside of the norm and makes the viewer uncomfortable, but it still works within the design.
  3. Feedback Loop –    I found this through a search on google.  Many different types of feedback loops were produced.  Basically, it looks like an adjustment: you learn to do something, you adjust that learning as needed, you do, and then the process repeats itself.
  4. Compression – “a reduction in volume”, bringing shapes, letters, words closer together is a type of compression.
  5. Nuance – “a subtle difference”, this could be a nuance of color, design, shade, etc.