Tarea Time for Winter 2018

Tarea Time is now scheduled for Winter Term. Please share this with your students. And, faculty and staff, please use the link below to sign up for a date during the term when you plan to hold your office hours during Tarea Time to encourage your students to attend.

Tarea Time Calendar, Winter 2018 (01/16-03/13)
We meet every Tuesday, from 3-5 PM, EMU 230 Swindells Room (except Week 6, Coquille 104)


Tarea Time is an initiative organized by Karla PĂ©rez-Young from the Center of Multicultural Academic Excellence (CMAE).

Please let all your students know that every week at Tarea Time they can get support with,
-Writing/Study Skills
-Meet with a CMAE or OAA advisor
-Spanish (Spanish Heritage Language Program, & Romance Language instructors)
-UO Library (David Woken, African Studies, History, Latin American Studies, Medieval Studies, Romance Languages)
-Building their CV and get career advice (Samantha Matta, Assistant Director at Career Center)

About Juan Eduardo Wolf

Associate Professor, Ethnomusicology, UO School of Music and Dance; Core Faculty, Folklore Studies Program; Coordinator, World Music Series; http://music.uoregon.edu/people/faculty/jewolf; https://www.facebook.com/worldmusicseries; Ethnography: Styling Blackness in Chile (IU Press)
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