Typography in Design: A First Person Narrative Proposal

Graffiti Text in Train Song Park. October 2012

Typography is everywhere. It is a significant factor in the design world and it lends a mood to written communication. As an architecture student, Wesley Thompson realizes the critical role that any typeface can play in his presentation, conceptual intentions, and overall design statement. Even though the focus of Wes’ major leads him far from the study of typography, he maintains an understanding of typeface and its aesthetics as an important design tool. Thus, he carefully considers typographic qualities no matter how minimal or extravagant.

For the upcoming First Person Narrative Assignment, I want to explore the role of typeface in the design world. Using Wes as a guide, the story will elaborate the significant role that typography plays in his design’s success or failure as well as how the text communicates with the viewing audience. Filled with snap shots of the subject’s work, comments about text use and examples of typeface’s effect on a design statement, this short piece will provide a glance into the world of typography in design.

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