Project 2 Documentation


A little Perspective

I am
one of 7 billion people
on one planet
that orbits the sun
which a single star among the 200 billion stars that are in the Milky Way galaxy, which is one galaxy
out of an estimated 500 billion galaxies in the universe.

My goal for this project was to create a sense of an expansion and to portray the feeling of the poem through type. I feel that I achieved that goal pretty well, however if I were to redo the project I think I would use different paper/ink. I tried the project on colored paper with red ink and it looked great but I couldn’t get the paper to fold how I wanted it to, so maybe finding thinner paper or working with a different size would be more effective. I tried to find imagery that was subtle yet related to my concept and I wanted to give the text more character. I used the font family futura and varied the weight and size of it. I made 4 copies of this book.


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