Kimball Essays Ways of Seeing History Two Perspectives on Begriffsgeschichte [History of Meaning]: Francis Bacon and Reinhart Koselleck Two Women, Olga and Anna, & Christianization of Rus’ Tarkovsky's film "Andrei Rublev" On two Eisenstein films = "Aleksandr Nevskii" & "Ivan the Terrible" The Stroganov Family Petrov's film "Peter the First" Russia and Japan Expand to their Pacific Frontiers, 1697-1898 Alexander Herzen and the Native Lineage of the Russian Revolution Intelligentsia Petrashevtsy Aleksei Nikolaevich Pleshcheev Russian Civil Society and Political Crisis, 1859-1863 Tsarist State & Origins of Revolutionary Opposition in the 1860s Culture of Terrorism in Imperial Russia The Russian Peasant Obshchina in the Political Culture of the Era of Great Reforms: A Contribution to Begriffsgeschichte Conspectus and translation of passages from Boris Nikolaevskii's “Russkie knigi v bibliotekakh K. Marksa i F. Engel'sa” The Village Kabak [tavern] as an Expression of Russian Civil Society, 1855-1905 Pre-Soviet Russian Concepts of Civil Society and Their Legacy Miliukov on the Feudal Origins of Progressive Europe Intellectuals and Public Culture: Some Parallels in the Russian and American Experiences Klimov's film "Agoniia" [Rasputin] The Meaning of Victory in World War Two: The Soviet Search for a Usable Past Getting Behind the Headlines: Dissent James Madison and Post-Soviet Russia NATO Expansion Suggested Model for a Research Report The Place of Honors in Publicly Financed Higher Education