Grand Piano Practice Room Guidelines

Hours per level

  • 25 hours per week for MUP 465 and higher
  • 18 hours per week for MUP 270 and MUP 365
  • 10 hours per week for MUP 165 and MUP 265

Collaborative GEs may reserve up to five additional hours.

Reserved hours will be effective from the Monday of Week 2 through the Friday of Finals Week.



  • Students who register for piano lessons for the term and later withdraw will have their practice times removed from the schedule.
  • Students who are not enrolled for lessons cannot use the locked grand piano rooms. Any student who has a practice room key but is not enrolled for lessons must return the key to Campus Safety. Authorized grand piano users should report unauthorized users to the piano faculty, the SOMD Facilities Director, or Campus Safety.
  • Do not sign up for more than your share of practice hours. Your times will be randomly deleted if you sign up for more than your allotted hours. This applies to all levels.
  • Each student must sign up for their own practice times. Do not send someone else to sign up for you.
  • Do not sign up for more than three consecutive hours. You must follow each reservation with a break that is at least as long as your reserved time.
  • If you are 15 minutes late to your practice room or if you leave your practice room for more than 10 minutes, you forfeit your practice time for the first hour. Practice time is based on the schedule on the practice room door.
  • Collaborative GEs who must leave their room for a required GE rehearsal or performance should vacate their practice room and will be allowed to re-claim the room at the end of their rehearsal.


Email Dr. Grace Ho if you have questions about practice room sign-ups (

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