Kendo Basics

Videos of basic movements from Kendo Jidai magazine with Koda-sensei

Kendo Promotion Exam Study Guide from the AUSKF

Pages about the concepts and history of kendo from the AJKF

The Ideology of the Sword, by Prof. Toshinobu Sakai, University of Tsukuba (a longer read)

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Kendo Club lists a lot of good resources and guides for kendo students.

Regulations of Kendo Shiai (Competitions) and Shinpan (Refereeing) released by the International Kendo Federation

Japanese Terms

There is no Japanese vocabulary requirement for testing; however, the following terms come up often. You are welcome to use English when appropriate (such as when counting) or the Korean equivalents if you are familiar with kumdo.

Keiko(稽古)traditional training/practice

1 Ichi(一)or Ipponmé(一本目)
2 Ni(二)or Nihonmé
3 San(三)or Sanbonmé
4 Shi (Yon)(四)or Yonhonmé
5 Go(五)or Gohonmé
6 Roku(六)or Ropponmé
7 Shichi (Nana)(七)or Nanahonmé
8 Hachi(八)or Happonmé
9 Kyū(九)or Kyūhonmé
10 (十)or Jupponmé

Rei (礼)Bow
Onegai shimasu。(お願いします)I ask you a favor. (Said when to a new training partner.)
Arigatou gozaimasu。(ありがとうございます)Thank you.
Otsukaresama desu。(お疲れさまです)You worked hard. (Said after practice)

The four targets:
· Men(面)
· Koté(小手)
· (胴)
· Tsuki(突き)

Opening/Closing Formalities:
1. Seiretsu(整列)Stand in formation.
2. Chakuza(着座)Be seated.
3. Mokusō(黙想)Meditate.
4. Shōmen ni, rei(正面に、例)To the front, bow.
(Sensei ni, rei(先生に、例)To sensei, bow.)
5. Otagai ni, rei(お互いに、例)To each other, bow.

Suburi (素振り)Practice swings:
To start suburi:
Kamae. Shōmen suburi, sanjūpon. Hajimé.
Stand ready. Forward swings, 30. Begin.
1. Jōgei suburi(上下素振り)Up-down swings
2. Shōmen suburi(正面素振り)Front “men” swings
3. Sayū suburi(左右素振り)Left-Right swings
4. Hiraki-ashi(開き足)Open footwork
5. Left-handed suburi
6. Small strikes suburi
7. Matawari Suburi(股割素振り)Deep-stretch swings
8. Hayasuburi(早素振り)Quick swings
(Chōyaku suburi(跳躍素振り)jumping suburi)

· Chūdan(中段)The middle stance
· Hidari Jodan(左上段)Left upper stance
· Migi Jodan(右上段)Right upper stance
· Hassō(中段の構え)”All directions” stance
· Waki-gamaé(脇構え)Side stance
· Sagetō(提刀)Sword lowered at side
· Taitō(帯刀)Sword at the hip
· Sonkyō(蹲踞)Formal crouch

Kata(形)The forms
1. Nihon Kendo Kata(日本剣道形)
2. Bokutō ni yoru kendo kihon keikohō(木刀による剣道基本稽古法)The basics kata.
Shitachi (仕立ち) The student / following / victorious role in the Nihon Kendo Kata.
Uchitachi (打太刀)
The teaching / lead role in the Nihon Kendo Kata.

· Shinai(竹刀)Bamboo sword
· Bokutō(木刀)Wood sword
· Iaitō(居合刀)Metal iai practice sword
· Nihontō(日本刀)Japanese sword
· Kendōgu(剣道具)or (less formally) bōgu(防具)The armor/protectors used in kendo.
· Keikogi(稽古着)or just gi(着)the jacket-like of the uniform.
· Hakama(袴)the pant-like part of the uniform.

Intermediate Terms:

Shiai/Taikai (試合・大会) Match/Competition:
· Hajime (始め) Begin!
· Yamé (止め) Stop!
· Jikan desu. (時間です) Time!
· Men/Koté/Dō/Tsuki/Ippon ari. (打突あり) A point is scored!
· Nihonmé (二本目) Begin second point!
· Shōbu (勝負) Match point!
· Shōbu ari. (勝負あり) Match is decided!
· Hikiwaké (引き分け) Tie!
· Wakaré (分かれ) Seperate!
· Hanzoku ikkai/nikkai (反則) First/Second penalty.
· Gōgi (合議) Referees consult.
· Shinpan (審判) Referee
· Tachiai (立会い) Facing an opponent.
· Tasuki (タスキ) Red or white flag worn to identify competitors.

· Te-no-uchi (手の内) Grip
· Zanshin (残心)
· Ki-ken-tai-itchi (気剣体一致)
· Semé (攻め)
· Ma-ai (間合い) Distance
· Enzan no metsuké (遠山の目付) Like looking at a distant mountain
· Mushin (無心)
· Fudōshin (不動心)
· Bushidō (武士道)
· Saé (冴え)

Waza (技) Techniques (in order of the Keiko-Hō)
1. Kihon uchi (基本打ち) Basic strikes
2. Renzoku waza (連続技) Continuous strikes
3. Harai waza (払い技) Beat/sweep
4. Hiki waza (引き技) Retreating
5. Nuki waza (抜き技) Avoiding the attack
6. Suriagé waza (すり上げ技) Counter-attack in the same line
7. Debana waza (出端技) Counter-attack in time
8. Kaeshi waza (返し技) Counter-attack with a change of direction
9. Uchi-otoshi waza (打ち落し技) Knocking down the attack and countering

Common practice methods:
· Kirikaeshi (切り返し) A drill incorporating many kendo concepts: Shōmen followed by (9) sayū men, repeat, shōmen
· Men/Kote/Do-uchi (打ち) Strikes
· Uchikomi (打ち込み) Practice in which motodachi shows clear targets and the other person strikes and continues.
· Kakari-geiko (掛かり稽古) Like uchikomi, but without clear opportunities and time to adjust
· Ji-geiko (自稽古) Free partner practice
· Mawari-geiko (回り芸子) Like ji-geiko, but rotating partners
· Gōdō-geiko (合同稽古) Practice regardless of rank

Other practice terms:
· Motodachi
(元立ち) The lead / receiving role
· Kakarité (掛かり手) The student / striking role

Shōdan shinsa (昇段審査) Rank Test
· Mudansha (無段者) Someone without dan rank
· Ikkyū (一級) One kyū and below are lower ranks
· Shō-dan (初段) One dan and above are middle to higher ranks

Oh look, you know a hundred Japanese terms!



’23 Officers:

• President: Logan Lewis
• Treasurer: Zoë Stein
• Media Coordinator: Evan Ho
• Supply Manager: Evan Ho
• Vice President: Alex Sakon
• Secratary: Quinn Takara
• Chair of the Board: Wenqian Liu
• Club Director: Jennifer Lue

SUMMER schedule 2024:
8/26 – 9/18:
Monday 5-7:30pm
Wednesday 5-7:30pm
Thursday 5-7:30pm
Location: Gerlinger 220

Tuesday 5-7pm
Friday 5-7pm
Location: GER 220

SPRING schedule 2024:

WINTER schedule 2024:
Monday 4-6pm @Studio 71
Tuesday 7:30-9:30pm @Studio 41
Friday 5-8pm @Studio 41

FALL schedule 2023:
Tuesdays 5-8pm: Rec Center Studio 71 (5-6pm: Beginners’ practice. 6-8pm: Regular practice.)
Fridays 4-7pm: Alternates between Rec Center Studio 71 and Studio 41 (4-5pm: Beginners’ pragtice. 5-7pm: Regular practice.)
Saturdays 9-11am: Gerlinger 220.


’22 Officers:
• President: Joey Matsuno
• Vice President: Alex Sakon
• Secretary: Quinn Takara
• Treasurer: Emily Shima
• Equipment Managers: Evan Ho
• Coach: Jennifer Lue, Nathan


  • Visiting senseis from PKC and Redmond on December 9, MAC Court.
  • Winter Practices (寒稽古) on 1/9, 1/10, and 1/12 at 7am, Studio 41.
  • Invitation to OSU practice on Thursday 1/26
  • OSU Joint Practice with Obukan senseis canceled 2/18
  • Mock shinsa and jigeiko at Obukan on 3/5
  • Shinsa in Happy Valley on 3/11:
    Congratulations to all eight of our members who tested and received new ranks!
  • Japan Night demonstration on 4/8
  • UW Taikai on 4/15:
    We successfully sent a team of five to our first competition!
  • APASU Market Night: May 17, 5-8pm UPDATED
  • Fund Raiser on 5/20: Big thanks to the Matsuno family!
  • Special keiko with senseis from Obukan on 5/20, Studio 41
  • (First annual?) UO/OSU Balloon Taikai on 6/3, Studio 41
  • Rose City Taikai (PNKF) on 7/24
  • Idaho Kendo Seminar (PNKF) on 7/14-16
  • Asian Celebration demonstration on 7/29
  • Kent Commons Promotional Exam: August 19, 2023
    Congratulations to our club president on his new rank!

Fall 2022 Schedule:
Mondays (3:45-5:45pm) Rec Center, Mat Room 77
Tuesdays (4-6pm) Rec Center, Mat Room 47
Fridays (4-6pm) Rec Center, Studio 41
Saturdays (4-6pm) Rec Center, Studio 41

Winter 2023 Schedule:
Tuesdays (4-6pm) Rec Center, Mat Room 47 (4~4:30: Kata. 4:30~6pm: Regular practice)
Fridays (4-7pm) Rec Center, Studio 41 (6~7pm: Beginners, kata, and open practice)
Saturdays (4-7pm) Rec Center, Studio 41 (6~7pm: Beginners, kata, open practice)

Spring 2023 Schedule:
Tuesdays (4-6pm) Rec Center, Mat Room 47 (4~4:30: Kata. 4:30~6pm: Regular practice)
Fridays (4-7pm) Rec Center, Studio 41 (6~7pm: Beginners, kata, and open practice)
Saturdays (4-7pm) Rec Center, Studio 41 (6~7pm: Beginners, kata, open practice)

Summer 2023 Schedule:
Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays (5-7pm) Gerlinger 220
(No practice 8/28 – 9/7)

Budget Equipment Notes:
Club funds used for transportation to shinsa and purchase of men and koté. $15/term dues instituted in spring.


’21 Officers:

  • President: Joey Matsuno
  • Secretary: JJ Sutherlin
  • Media: TreVaughn Miller
  • Equipment Manager: Evan Ho
  • Alex Sakon
  • Emily Shima
  • Quinn Takara
  • Graduate Student Contact: Benjamin Mannix
  • Coach: Jennifer Lue

Spring 2022 Schedule:
Mondays (5-7pm) Rec Center, Mat Room 47
Tuesdays (3:30-5:30pm) Rec Center, Mat Room 77
Fridays (4-6pm) Rec Center, Mat Room 77
Saturdays (4-6pm) Rec Center, Mat Room 47

Finals Week Schedule::
Monday 6/6 5-7pm Mat Room 47
Tuesday 6/7 4-6pm Mat Room 47
Friday 6/10 4-6pm Mat Room 47


  • Recruitment Table
  • Fall Reception
  • Recognition as a UO Club Sport
  • May 13: APASU Night Market
  • Recruitment Table

Budget/Equipment notes:

  • Members asked to purchase their own shinai.
  • May, 2022: Aquisition of ~6 old, used bogu and 24 bokuto from UO Rec Center storage
  • May, 2022: Purchase of one bogu set and 24 tsuba for bokuto

Past Practice Schedules

Winter 2023

Tuesdays (4-6pm) Rec Center, Mat Room 47 (4~4:30: Kata. 4:30~6pm: Regular practice)
Fridays (4-7pm) Rec Center, Studio 41 (6~7pm: Beginners, kata, and open practice)
Saturdays (4-7pm) Rec Center, Studio 41 (6~7pm: Beginners, kata, open practice)

Fall 2022

Mondays (3:45-5:45pm) Rec Center, Mat Room 77
Tuesdays (4:00-6:00pm) Rec Center, Mat Room 47
Fridays (4-6pm) Rec Center, Studio 41
Saturdays (4-6pm) Rec Center, Studio 41

Spring 2022

Mondays (5-7pm) Rec Center, Mat Room 47
Tuesdays (3:30-5:30pm) Rec Center, Mat Room 77
Fridays (4-6pm) Rec Center, Mat Room 77
Saturdays (4-6pm) Rec Center, Mat Room 47

Kendo for UO students and the UO community.