Transitioning Student Conduct to an Online Environment

While our teaching, learning, and student services methods have clearly changed, our policies have not. The Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards (SCCS) is dedicated to helping provide a safe and inclusive college experience for all of our students, faculty, and staff. To assist in ensuring this environment exists remotely, SCCS has compiled information about how faculty and staff can report student conduct or academic misconduct issues, and refer students of concern. Much of the referral advice and processes will not change; SCCS and the Dean of Students of Office already has online reporting options and a robust online case management system that allows us to document and track violations and concerns and reach out to students.

The Student Conduct Code addresses many behaviors that might become an issue remotely, including, but not limited to:

  • Academic Misconduct
  • Harassment
  • Misuse of University networks and computing resources
  • Participating in classroom activities while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs

More information about SCCS, and how we have modified our operations to be remote, can be found online at

How to Report

We ask you to submit an incident report or complaint through our online Maxient forms: Student Conduct, Academic Misconduct, Title IX and Other Discrimination, Mental Health/General Student of Concern. Please be aware, these forms are not monitored outside of university business hours. If you are reporting an immediate danger to the health and safety of yourself and/or others, please call UOPD at 541-346-2919 or dial 911.

Behaviors of Concern

We do not expect these issues to occur. However in a new environment with so much demanding our attention, it is possible that behaviors of concern could go unaddressed. It is important that you understand we are only able to address behaviors if they are reported to us. You are an important part of keeping our campus community safe. When reports are received through the forms list above (under “How to Report”), we have several different teams available to help address the concerns.

The Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards will address the following concerns:

  • harassing or threatening behavior in synchronous class sessions or in asynchronous learning environments
  • consistently disruptive behavior during (a)synchronous learning environments
  • recording/sharing course materials without permission
  • use of alcohol or other drugs before or during classroom instruction (i.e., a student is intoxicated, or is using substances, during a Zoom call)
  • cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, unauthorized collaboration, and other forms of academic misconduct

The Student Care Team will be consulted regarding the following concerns:

  • suicidal ideation or attempt
  • significant mental health concerns and/or behavioral changes
  • potentially missing students (i.e., student has not interacted with you or completed any coursework)

The Behavioral Evaluation & Threat Assessment Team will be consulted regarding the following concerns:

  • credible threats and acts of violence

The Title IX Case Management Team will be consulted regarding the following concerns:

  • sexual discrimination, harassment, or misconduct

We encourage you to consult with your Department Chair and/or Academic Dean regarding the following classroom management concerns:

  • students who do not participate substantively in some combination of synchronous sessions, alternatives to synchronous sessions, or asynchronous coursework.
  • inappropriate behavior during synchronous sessions (While these behaviors may not constitute a referral, you are invited to collaborate with Student Conduct Coordinator on how to address the behaviors and refer the student if the behaviors continue)