Art, Games, and Tech Discussion

Although I believe Jane McGonigal made some interesting and valid points during her Ted Talk, I would have to disagree with the general argument that more time spent playing video games can and will change the world.  While her theories of blissful productivity, social fabric, urgent optimism, and epic meaning are compelling, and experienced by gamers, I simply do not believe that video games are enough to make inspiring changes.  One of my reasons for this is because many people play video games as an escape.  Many of the most popular games in the gaming industry, such as Halo, World of Warcraft, Call of Duty, and many others, are extremely prevalent because they are purely fiction.  The gamer can relax into blissful productivity because there are no real consequences and he or she does not have to deal with real life during the hour spent playing.  A video game that is based on saving the world is no longer a fictional escape.  It is a real problem that the gamer has to think about.