About Jordan

Jordan Schwartz received a Bachelor of Arts in History with a minor in Mathematics from Bryn Mawr College in May 2015. A native of Atlanta, GA, Jordan became interested in the arts through community theatre. She starting performing at age 7 and at age 9, having noticed a significant cultural gap in her community, began to organize the Children’s Bilingual Theater to work as a bridge. A year later in 2004 the organization came to life with its first production touring through four local elementary schools. CBT has since gone on to gain 501c3 status, produce 5 other full productions, and organize numerous literacy outreaches and an anti-bullying campaign. As an undergrad, Schwartz pulled from these experiences and resources to co-found the Harlequin- a student run production group that solved a campus need for a more holistic approach to theatre among the specialized pre-existing troupes. During her time at Bryn Mawr, she also worked in Philadelphia at the Arden, the Walnut Street Theatre, and Theatre Horizon in various capacities.

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