
With recreational use becoming more popular in today’s society, a prime business opportunity presents itself. All profitable mechanical models have a monopoly franchise that takes a product and distributes their models in the market. If a company could take on a project to insert a generic drone model, the long term upside could be incredible. Transitioning the drone model from a professionalized research based design to a simple rotorcraft design has great potential. As a result, my project pitches the user friendly design that in theory has a profitable future.

ROTOCRAFT MODEL: A rotorcraft is a modification of a simple drone design. The rotorcraft is intended to move freely throughout the sky. With these freedom of movement the rotorcraft can perform almost any command that it is given.

Recreational Uses: The simple Rotocraft model can be used in various different situations. From basic uses to more complicated user friendly functions, the drone can be used in any household. In addition, the drone can be used in the professional field. For example, the drone can be utilized in the field of film. With the use of aerial flight, the drone is a perfect way to capture footage from above.


