Horst Hortner

Horst Horner developed the idea of collaborating the scientific and artistic aspects of the drone. As the inventor of the spaxel drone, he oversaw the project, while taking the use of drones to another level. Working at the Futurelab allows Hortner to turn his ideas into reality. In theory, almost any creative idea can be executed through the various drone models.

Northeastern study: At Northeastern, used drone technology to develop a three finger mobile hand. The researchers used the mobility of drone movement to apply those concepts to a hand model. The team of researchers stated, “with only one motor per finger and a simple, easy to maintain, mechanical structure, the Graspar robotic hand uses minimal computation to provide secure grasping of objects ranging from eggs and light bulbs to tennis rackets, coffee pots and stuffed toys” (Crisman, pp. 32-38). This is an ideal example of drone technology inspiring the work of scientists around the world. Even though the mechanical hand is not in the same model as a “classic” drone, the same concepts on movement are applied.

Future: Building on all aspects of drones, my project brings each feature together. With a focus on the scientific, Artistic and Recreational features of the drone, the project is intended to inform society of all the products benefits.