Group 5 Project 1

Group 5: Emilly, Miko, Aining, Yikuan, and Megan

The goal of this project was to compare the vocabulary used between two Japanese websites and analyze the effect each type of vocabulary had on each page. Our group met in person three times. The first time we met, we exchanged our contact information and were all asked to start thinking about websites we could use for our project. The second time we met up, we looked at the various sites we came up with, and ended up deciding on the Japanese Honda car website and the Fukumitsu Sake website. We chose these two because both had much content to analyze, and the two websites had distinct differences in the types of vocabulary used. At first, before choosing the sake website, we were going to use a ラムネ website, but after further analysis, we realized that the website did not include enough vocabulary to make a sufficient analysis. After this meeting, two people were assigned to analyze each website, and the fifth member was given the task of doing the final comparisons between the sites. At our final meeting, we compiled all of our information into a single google document, and finalized it from there.

Honda Website:

In the Honda homepage, the majority of the words used were written in katakana and romaji in order to express loan words or commercial style. For example, instead of 車, they used クルマ to match the aesthetic of the other words in the search bar that also consists of katakana. The rest of the words were in katakana due to the usage of loan words such as バイク、パワープロダクツ、モータースポーツ、etc. They used romaji to represent a product name/title (HondaJet), and the reasoning behind that choice can be speculated by the fact that Japan has a tendency to utilize loan words for certain commercial effects. Lastly, they used kanji for 企業情報, the only kanji seen on the search bar section. Above the search bar however, much more kanji can be seen within the mixture of katakana and romaji. What is missing the most is hiragana, which can only be seen in minor areas on the webpage used mainly as grammatical components (11月11日日). Due to the specific and deliberate format of this webpage, it can be speculated that the target audience consists of foreign and/or older people. The reason being, the frequent usage of katakana and romaji delivers a foreign theme, and the usage of kanji with little hiragana appeals to the older audiences.

Sino Japanese 30%
Native Japanese 20%
Loan 21%
Mimetic 0%
English 29%

Gold Wing Tour Dual Clutch Transmission<AIRBAG> パールグレアホワイト

これまでリアトランクとサドルバッグ標準装備のGold Wing Tour(ゴールドウイング ツアー)のみにタイプ設定され、優れた燃費性能やショックの少ない変速などにより多くのお客様から好評を得ている、Honda独自の二輪車用「Dual Clutch Transmission(デュアル クラッチ トランスミッション)」を、サドルバッグのみ標準装備のGold WingにもDual Clutch Transmissionを新たにタイプ設定しました。66

 また、全タイプにシャープでエッジの効いたシルエットをより強調し、高級感を醸し出すダークネスブラックメタリックを新採用するとともに、Gold Wing Tour Dual Clutch Transmission<AIRBAG>には、キャンディーアーダントレッド、パールグレアホワイトのカラーリングも追加することで、お客様の期待に応えるバリエーションとしました。132

Gold Wingは、今年1月にモーターサイクルがもつ魅力の原点に立ち返り“走りの高揚感” “操る楽しさ”を提供するため、快適な乗り心地と軽快なハンドリングを実現するHonda独自の二輪車用ダブルウィッシュボーンフロントサスペンションの採用や、軽量コンパクトな車体、新設計エンジンに加え、数々の先進装備を採用するなど、パッセンジャーとともに最上の感動を共有できるモーターサイクルとして、17年ぶりに全面刷新を図り、お客様から支持をいただいております。

Katakana is used a lot more in the Honda website, meaning more foreign loanwords were used.

Fukumitsuya Website:

In the Fukumitsuya website, the majority of the words used were in kanji and hiragana. That is probably because their target audience is more sophisticated, and the branding of the product is also representing the traditionality of the beverage. For example, they’d use formal words ending in 〜ます to show respect and attract those sophisticated audiences. In contrast, they’ve only used three words in katakana, the last one being the only loanword of the whole section: チカラ、カビ、and メートル. チカラ is being written in katakana to emphasize the power it has in the nature, where they collect the ingredients. As their target audience is not a younger clientele or foreigners, the brand name is also written in kanji: 福光屋. 酵母 is also used to make give the product a more classic presentation. The first section’s introduction: 冬、辺りが冷気に包まれる頃 gives it a poetic sound, and the use of  冬 could indicate that the sake warms you up when you have a sip. The website in general has a serious and minimalist tone with almost no romaji other than in the menu section. The rest is written mainly in kanji. Its tone is serious and sophisticated. It uses a lot of Sino Japanese words, making it appeal more to an older audience. Sake is also a national alcoholic beverage that is mainly sold as it is, classic and unique.

Sino Japanese 40%
Native Japanese 52%
Loan 1%
Mimetic 0%
English 7%

As can be seen from both websites, the type of vocabulary used can help give off a certain feel for the page, as well as help the sites appeal to different audiences. Since Honda is a international company, it makes sense that their website would use more foreign loanwords. They are trying to appeal to a foreign audience, and the frequent use of katakana gives the page a more “かっこいい” vibe. As for the Fukumitsuya Sake, their website uses a lot more traditional Japanese vocabulary to give off the feel of sophistication and tradition. Sake is a traditional Japanese beverage, and as it is alcohol, most buyers of the product are older. Their vocabulary usage appeals to a more mature audience, and the use of more kanji helps them to achieve this.

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