Art in Society Learning Objectives

1. I have always been interested in the fluidity of art categorization (i.e. who/what counts as art/artist and why?). I know there are often no definitive answers, but I would like more tools to approach issues like this.

2. I would like to gain a greater understanding of what counts as an art world and how they form/who decides if it is an art world.

3. Another goal of mine is to get more context around how the current state of the arts in society formed and why.

4. Something else that I’m curious about after doing the readings thusfar is the idea of transmedia. Like many definitions in the art world, it is a fluid idea, but I still don’t feel like I totally grasp a deep understanding of it.

5. I want to learn more about the broader ideas of aesthetics and art participation and what the interplay is between the two of them.

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