Research Topics

Understanding the dynamics of Earth’s magnetosphere during a pole reversal.

Geomagnetic pole reversals occur consistently on Earth through geologic time scales. However, information about the magnetic field configuration during the reversal process is relatively evasive. Previous model research indicates that the magnetic field of Earth tends to transition from a dipole to more of a quadrupole magnetic field. My research involves examining the effects of a pole reversal on Earth from a space physics perspective.



Preliminary results from my neural network analyzing minerals in a  CRISM image of Mawrth Vallis, Mars. Each pixel color component represents the presence of certain minerals. [Red = Anhydrite, Green = Albite, Blue = Montmorillonite]

Applications of machine learning to identify minerals on the Martian surface using CRISM imagery.

CRISM [Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars] is a useful instrument on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter that was able to capture hyperspectral images in the Visual and Near-Infrared (VNIR) Spectra. This is useful because it captures valuable information that allows for the identification of minerals on the surface based on the reflectance spectrum profile. Determining the presence of specific minerals is a time-consuming process though because each image must be inspected manually in special software, and the process itself is highly subjective as a result. I am currently working on a machine learning program that can not only provide more objective results, but can also process large amounts of data in once sitting. This program will be designed with universality in mind so it can be easily retrained for use on datasets of other planets.



Okay, so this is more of a hobby than an actual project at the moment, but I love Venus! There is so much we don’t know about the planet, and there is a lot we can learn! Venus can teach us lessons not only about itself but also how exoplanets, with seemingly Earth-like characteristics and origins, are as far from habitable as possible. I have worked on a small project on corona formation for Joe Dufek’s Advanced Volcanology class [See attached video below], but I would love to do so much more!


… And much much more!