Unit 6 Objectives:
- Explore the psychological and emotional curiosity for and impact of horror art on individuals and society
- Analyze the unique aesthetic qualities of horror art
- Understand and utilize some basic principles of film and television analysis
1 example piece of work:
1 reflection on the piece of work:
This week was a bit different as we were required to watch an episode of Buffy the Vampire to be able to learn more about Horror. Before watching the episode we were required to get an understanding about different elements that help create horror. Things like Diegetic and non-diegetic sounds as well as mis-en-scene were focused on while watching the episode. We had to observe the episode not only from a viewers perspective but as well as a professional perspective and following the basic principles of film. I was able to see that camera angles, attire, voice, instrumentals, script, and set make a big impact on creating something scary. By doing this discussion I found how crucial it was to have all of these factors play into the scenes. Without the aesthetic quality of music the episode would not be scary at all. I had decided that non-diegetic sound was the most important aesthetic factor into horror film. Without the scary music it is VERY hard to make something scary. The sound track simply helps you feel what you are supposed to feel at the moment of watching the scene.
By watching the episode I was also able to explore my personal curiosity towards horror. Why did I like this kind of show? Exploring others curiosity and mine towards horror was answered a lot by the week’s reading assignment as well as my research essay for this week. There is a natural attraction to horror because we know that we are safe. It is a controlled scare for ourselves where we get scared but know we are not in danger. We like to feel that intense feeling.
Future Goals:
I hope to take a new light when I am reading a horror book or watching a horror film. I think I will become a little more critical when involved with horror. I feel as though I understand all that goes into making something scary and why we get scared over it. I honestly think that I won’t get scared as much because I have more knowledge about horror.
Here is a link to Unit 6’s main page to view other works done for this unit:
Table of Contents:
Portfolio’s Main Page
Unit 2: The Nature of Human Values
Unit 3: What is Art for?
Unit 4: Is Food Art?
Unit 5: The Art of Personal Adornment
Unit 6: The Aesthetics of Horror
Unit 7: Creative Spirituality
Unit 8: Art, Technology, and Games
Unit 9: Remixing Culture