Unit 4 Objectives:
- Examine methods for evaluating qualities of art, such as product versus process, the difference between craft and fine art, must art be archival, and what is an aesthetic reaction.
- Explore the notion of food as an art-form.
- Consider cultural differences in the production and consumption food.
1 example piece of work:
1 reflection on the piece of work:
I picked this food as Art Discussion Post as my artifact because it really covered a lot about how food can be art in one way but not the other. She covers what it takes to be art. I actually disagreed with Elizabeth Telfer and her opinion completely but it did open my eyes to understanding why some people could not consider food to be art. She considered food that could be an Art “minor” in that it does not cover everything that fine art needs. Telfer describes food as a craft rather than art do to the skill that goes into making the food. The two videos that we had to watch slow food and fast food really helped confirm my beliefs about food being art.
The one thing that was never really even brought up in this unit (i did in my post) was that food can be art in just the looks alone. It does not necessarily have to be the experience of tasting the food that is the art. Just like drawings, paintings, and sculpture, they are visually appealing. There is this great artist Carl Warner who photographs scenery entirely made of food. It isn’t the taste that made it art it is the visual aspect of the piece. There is such great detail that it is a shame that it would go bad. (I guess thats why he photographs them!) Here are some more of his pieces.
Future Goals:
This has actually inspired me to look into using food and incorporate it into my own art. I also hope that when I go to eat at a fine dining restaurant that I will take the time to experience the meal as art and not just something to eat.
Here is a link to my Unit 4’s main page to view other works done for this unit:
Table of Contents:
Portfolio’s Main Page
Unit 2: The Nature of Human Values
Unit 3: What is Art for?
Unit 4: Is Food Art?
Unit 5: The Art of Personal Adornment
Unit 6: The Aesthetics of Horror
Unit 7: Creative Spirituality
Unit 8: Art, Technology, and Games
Unit 9: Remixing Culture