Unit 2: Life Values Assessment

After completing the first stage of the life values assessment m top five values on the list turned out to be:

  1. Family
  2. Personal Development
  3. Enjoyment
  4. Independence
  5. Security

Today I actually did not do many activities. I got up and went to work at Subway, came home a cleaned the house, talked with my boyfriend until he left for work, played with my dog and then worked on homework for the rest of the night. Working at Subway strongly represents my value of Security. I work to pay the bills to help support me, my boyfriend, and my dog. Cleaning my house can fall under the value of Personal accomplishment. Talking with my boyfriend before he left for work goes under my value of family as well as playing with my dog. And finally doing my homework falls under personal development as well as personal accomplishment.

One belief pattern that I can think of from my family is to learn to be independent. My mom raised me so that I knew how to take care of myself. I believe this is a good trait to teach people. This will be something that I will pass on to my children. I used to have the same religion as my parents and inherited that belief system. As I became older I carried my own thoughts and beliefs and no longer went based on my “authority’s” beliefs. This is a belief that is no longer valid for myself. One goal I have and yet to pursue is starting up ceramics again. I would like to create poetry and possibly sell them. I have yet to pursue this goal mostly because of money, and time. It can be expensive to pursue and also with school and work I don’t have time.

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