Rock Hudson- A Movie Star Whose Passing Changed the Aids Epidemic

After googling Rock Hudson I came across multiple sources that said that Rock Hudson’s management “warned” him about the “dangers” of being gay and told him he had to hide it if he wanted to make it in Hollywood. Allegedly his management even paid for Hudson to get voice lessons to train him to speak …

Anna Magnani- The Italian Superstar

Anna Magnani is an actress whose life and work is incredibly striking. Magnani is one of if not the most famous Italian actresses to ever live. She starred in over 30 films and is the face of Italian neoclassical cinema. Anna Magnani’s acting came from a place of realism. Magnani’s acting has a lot of …

Marlene Dietrich and the Independent Femme Fatale

Marlene Dietrich is one of the actresses who instantly comes to mind when I think of old Hollywood Sophistication. Dietrich had an incredibly long career and starred in almost 50 films throughout her 70 year career in the film industry. Dietrich worked in Germany and Hollywood. Surprisingly, before this course I had never heard of …

Marilyn Monroe: Her Work, Her Life, Her Legacy

Marilyn Monroe is not only an actress that defines the period she was alive but she is an actress that has stayed in the spotlight across all generations. Monroe started the wave of women using their sexuality as a tool in films. Monroe characterized the image of “the dumb blonde” and left little to the …

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