Leadership Development Plan

From the leadership evaluation test, I found out that my highest score relies on “Encourage the heart”, and I got the lowest score on “Inspired a shared vision”. Overall, all the five practices score are in a high level and have a trend of increasing except for the “Inspired a shared vision”.


The reflection on my previous leadership experience is when I was in high school and was in the position of League Secretary. At that time, every class was a small union and had a lot of tasks to accomplish. My mission was to supervise each union’s work and gave them the ranking position. With heavy school works on going and the tasks to complete, everyone was under big pressure. Even though I can understand their tough situation, it is my job to supervise them to accomplish the tasks. Instead of giving them more pressure, I choose to encourage them and hold small discussions to solve the common problems. In addition, I would slightly change the tasks according to the performance of the unions. Then, the hardest thing was to notice each union’s ranking position. Since I knew every union tried very hard to get the top ranking, I paid special attention on the ways of noticing some unions with low grades. After completing each period’s task, I would hold a lecture to show the works from the high-ranking union so that the whole group was learning beneficial things from each other. From all above, I think I am good at fostering collaboration by building trust and facilitating relationships and encouraging the others.


For the action plan of the 5 practices, I will choose to improve more on “Model the way”. I do have my own opinions on things, but sometimes I am reserved to show my opinions. I think the most obvious reason is that I am not confident enough to say my opinion loudly. In the future, I will try my best to express my opinions and add values to my team. Before I am going to express my opinion, I will consider whether this opinion is logical or rational. After I arrange those ideas logically, I believe I will be more confident to share the useful opinion with others. In addition, when some new ideas come out in my brain, I will try to dig those ideas deeply instead of just letting it flash in my brain.


For the action plan on emotional intelligence, I want to improve my “communication” skills. Since I am an international student, sometimes I cannot catch the words that my group members are saying. Then, I will feel puzzled about the discussions. However, my group members are very nice and they take great care of me on the language and speaking speed. Still, I need to work hard to improve my English. And let them know my confusion when I don’t catch them and never pretend to know the confusion. In addition, I will try my best to be energetic and bring exotic ideas to our team!

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